Your job is to fight a losing battle, and not lose it.
"Starguard | The Grey Wars" is a retro-sci-fi themed cooperative board game for 1 to 6 players where Huemanity has already lost it's homeworld to the Grey Aliens centuries ago, and the far flung remnant of hueman kind must now fight back a loosing battle against them… and not lose.
The game involves rocket ships and flying saucers, heroes and missions, invasions and thwarted attacks. For 60 to 75 minutes each player controls 1 or more space faring civilizations, desperate to beat back the alien tide, and maybe, just maybe, reclaim their homeworld lost to the aliens so long ago.
Players: 1-6
Time: ~75 min.
Age: 12+
Light and Darkness, Virtue and Vice
Just as darkness is a lack of light, so too vice is a lack of virtue. Virtue and light are both positive qualities, and when they are absent you have vice and darkness. In The Guardians of AsunDur the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness struggle to influence the regions of the world.
The Guardians of AsunDur
The Guardians of AsunDur is a cooperative board game for 1-6 players where each player takes on the role of one or more guarding angels seeking to restore virtue in a world growing darker with vice.
Players: 1-6
Time: ~45 min.
Age: 12+
Available 2016